Homepage of Mew. http://www.Mew.org/
Setup stunnel If you want to use Gmail or any other who force you to use SSL, you have to install stunnel.
brew install stunnel
Get it. Download from http://www.mew.org/en/download/ Current newest version: http://www.mew.org/Release/mew-6.5.tar.gz
Install it.
tar zxf mew-6.5.tar.gz cd mew-6.5 ./configure make make install
Or move it to your emacs folder and add it to your load-path
(add-to-list load-path "/path/to/your/mew/")
CHECKPOINT: Now you should be able to (require 'mew) in your Emacs.
- Setup your mew
Add-to-file set-mew.el
and load it from your emacs configure.
(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(setq mew-icon-directory
(expand-file-name "etc" (file-name-directory (locate-library "mew.el"))))
(setq mew-use-cached-passwd t)
;; Optional setup (Read Mail menu):
(if (boundp 'read-mail-command)
(setq read-mail-command 'mew))
;; Optional setup (e.g. C-xm for sending a message):
(autoload 'mew-user-agent-compose "mew" nil t)
(if (boundp 'mail-user-agent)
(setq mail-user-agent 'mew-user-agent))
(if (fboundp 'define-mail-user-agent)
(setq mew-pop-size 0)
(setq mew-smtp-auth-list nil)
(setq toolbar-mail-reader 'Mew)
(set-default 'mew-decode-quoted 't)
(when (boundp 'utf-translate-cjk)
(setq utf-translate-cjk t)
'(utf-translate-cjk t)))
(if (fboundp 'utf-translate-cjk-mode)
(utf-translate-cjk-mode 1))
(defvar mew-cite-fields '("From:" "Subject:" "Date:"))
(defvar mew-cite-format "From: %s\nSubject: %s\nDate: %s\n\n")
(defvar mew-cite-prefix "> ")
(setq mew-ssl-verify-level 0)
(setq mew-use-cached-passwd t)
(setq mew-signature-file "~/Mail/signature")
(setq mew-signature-as-lastpart t)
(setq mew-signature-insert-last t)
(add-hook 'mew-before-cite-hook 'mew-header-goto-body)
(add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-newdraft-hook 'mew-draft-insert-signature)
;; (setq mew-refile-guess-alist
;; '(("To:"
;; ("@octave.org" . "+math/octave")
;; ("@freebsd.org" . "+unix/freebsd"))
;; ("Cc:"
;; ("@octave.org" . "+math/octave")
;; ("@freebsd.org" . "+unix/freebsd"))
;; (nil . "+inbox")))
(setq mew-refile-guess-control
(setq mew-summary-form
'(type (5 date) " " (14 from) " " t (0 subj)))
(setq mew-summary-form-extract-rule '(name))
;; Password
(setq mew-use-master-passwd t)
;;(setq mew-ssl-verify-level 0)
(setq mew-prog-ssl "/usr/local/bin/stunnel")
Mew will read ~/.mew.el
when it's launched.
Add-to-file ~/.mew.el
;; setup mail info
(setq mew-config-alist
(mailbox-type imap)
(proto "%")
(prog-ssl "/usr/local/bin/stunnel")
(imap-server "imap.gmail.com")
(imap-ssl-port "993")
(imap-user "[email protected]")
(name "Ranmocy Sheng")
(user "ranmocy")
(mail-domain "gmail.com")
(imap-ssl t)
(imap-size 0)
(imap-delete t)
(imap-queue-folder "%queue")
(imap-trash-folder "%Trash")
;; This must be in concile with your IMAP box setup
(smtp-ssl t)
(smtp-auth-list ("PLAIN" "LOGIN" "CRAM-MD5"))
(smtp-user "[email protected]")
(smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com")
(smtp-ssl-port "465")
OPTIONS: If you want to read HTML email in mew:
Install emacs-w3m:
require setup-emacs-w3m
Add-to set-mew.el
;; HTML support
(setq mew-mime-multipart-alternative-list '("Text/Html" "Text/Plain" "*."))
(condition-case nil
(require 'mew-w3m)
(file-error nil))
(setq mew-use-text/html t)
- Run
M-x mew
to run mew in your Emacs. - Press
to check new email in your Inbox. - Press
on your email to read it, and it should support HTML format.